Pharmaceutical Classification: Androgen and Anabolic Steroid
Package Form :
10ml vial , MCT oil based solution
300mg/ml dosage
Each mL contains
Recommended Dosage
250mg – 500mg per week or as directed by a Medical Practitioner
Sustanon is an ester testosterone which mainly benefits body builders and athletes who want to increase muscle number (not mass) and decrease body fat. The reason why this is the chosen steroid for these individuals is that it only needs to be injected once in 7-10 days and it can be taken concurrently with other steroids.
Sustanon is anabolic as well as catabolic, and has the ability to increase erythropoiesis and muscle oxygen intake. This in turn enables the body to deal with strenuous exercise easily which allows for athletes and body builders to go for longer and be more aggressive in their sport. Sustanon also increases erythropoiesis which may help in reducing anemia, and is used in conditions where glycogen synthesis is required.
Some side effects include Gynecomastia, acne, decreases in sex drive, shrinkage of the testicles, and increase in blood pressure. This because it has a tendency to retain water in the body.
Other side effects include increase in prostate size and difficulty in urination, and baldness. The conversion of androgen to estrogen may lead to estrogenic side effects like the enlargement of the clitoris in women.
Effective Dose
Beginners : 250 – 500 mg / every 10 days
Hobby : 500 mg / week
Professionals : 1000 – 2000 mg / week
Women : not recommended
Use for : 12 – 52 weeks