Pharmaceutical Classification: Anabolic steroid
Package Form :
10ml vial , MCT oil based solution
150mg/ml dosage
Each mL contains 150mg of Methenolone Enanthate
Recommended Dosage
150mg – 300mg per week or as directed by a Medical Practitioner
Metenolone is an anabolic steroid based on Dihydrotestosterone and is usually found under the name of Primobolon tablet or injectables. It is commonly used by those who are prone to estrogenic signs because it does not produce estrogen.
Its formulation allows for it to assist patients suffering from certain idiopathic forms of anemia and those with damaged bone marrow because it stimulates erythropoiesis. This steroid is used by bodybuilders when idle in order to maintain their vigor, strength and overall physical appearance when not exercising. It is considered safe for women bodybuilders because estrogenic signs are not produced by Metenolone.
Despite that, it is not safe to be taken by pregnant women and men who suffer from prostatic hypertrophy and prostatic cancer. Metenolone has not been approved by any agency or body. Therefore, many players and bodybuilders have been penalized for testing positive with this steroid. If this steroid is administered, it should be taken for three months without pause at the prescribed dosage. Discontinuation of steroid administration would result in failure to see any positive changes.
Menstrual irregularities may occur in sexually matured females, premature puberty in younger boys, and sluggish spermatogenesis in adult males. Metenolone may also affect the liver but damage is less compared to other anabolic steroids.
Effective Dose
Beginners : 200 – 300 mg / week
Hobby : 300 – 600 mg / week
Professionals : 400 – 1000 mg / week
Women : 100 – 200 mg / week
Use for : 12 – 24 weeks