How to Use, Side-Effects & Benefits
Ostarine is an effective muscle-building compound that is used by bodybuilders as a performance booster.
Ostarine has accomplished great popularity due to its muscle-building effects, despite research still being conducted to investigate its benefits and possible side effects.
The following guide will explain the benefits, side effects and uses of this SARM.
Before we delve into the details about this compound, it is crucial to understand that its effects and safety are still being researched. You can read more about the latest research here.
Ostarine, also known as Enobosarm or MK-2866 is a selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM), similar to LGD-4033 and RAD-140 which are both very well-known compounds. Ostarine was developed by Gtx inc.
According to research, Ostarine may have the ability to help in the treatment of muscle wasting diseases and osteoporosis. It was also discovered that it could safely increase lean muscle mass drastically compared to real anabolics which have adverse side effects.
This is the reason for Ostarine being the chosen compound by body-builders when trying to gain muscle mass or enhance their performance.
It is considered to be a ‘mild’ compound based on research that shows it suppresses natural testosterone at a much-reduced level compared to other SARMS, like Testolone.
MK-2866 is currently in phase 2 trials and is still being researched. Therefore, it has not been approved to be sold to the general public. Despite it not being ready for human consumption, it can be found online and is sold as a research chemical.
The FDA has warned the general public on bodybuilding supplements that contained SARMs.
Ostarine is a milder compound when compared to other SARMs like Ligandrol and Testolone in terms of muscle gains and side effects. Nonetheless, it still remains the chosen compound for performance enhancement, and increasing muscle mass and bone density.
These positive accounts about Ostarine are based on anecdotal testimonies and studies that have been released. It is important to understand that this compound is still being researched and is only suitable for scientific research purposes.
The research on Enobosarm (Ostarine) was conducted for the purpose of finding a compound that positively affects muscle loss for multiple diseases and in the elderly.
There have been several studies on the effects of Ostarine. Among them is a study on its effects on lean muscle mass. The results showed a positive relationship between intake of Ostarine and muscle mass. The effects were significant using a dosage of 3mg a day, with a lack of side effects.
Another study found similar results after administering 1mg and 3 mg of Ostarine for 16 weeks. Muscle mass of subjects were found to experience an increase of 2-3 lbs of lean muscle mass.
The compound, also known as MK-2866 is usually developed to have the same effects as real steroids, just without the negative side effects such as gyno, testosterone suppression and acne. Not only does it have hardly any side effects, it has been shown to actually increase muscle mass across studies.
Despite there being evidence that MK-2866 is effective in enhancing performance in the gym, it is not something that should be taken lightly. It is one of the compounds that have been added to the WADA prohibited list after being abused by some athletes to boost performance.
Accelerated FAT LOSS
There have been evidence from research studies that Ostarine has the capability to elevate standard metabolic rate; your body is able to process more calories which burns more fat in your body. Users are known to stack this product with a thermogenic fat burner. Despite seemingly being backed up by evidence, more research is definitely required to ensure the reliability of these claims.
Increase resistance to INSULIN
Besides increased muscle mass and boosting fat loss, Ostarine may also help in the body’s resistance to insulin and in lowering blood glucose levels. This positively affects the absorption of nutrients and recovery of muscles.
As MK-2866 is a very potent compound, it is very effective at very low dosages, as small as 1mg to 3mg. However, an average daily dosage of 1 to 30mg a day has been reported to be the norm. There has been no research to back up these claims but there have been anecdotal testimonies claiming higher levels of muscle improvements when taken in these doses. It is not advisable however, to go over the 3mg clinical dosage as it is proven to not have any side effects; higher dosages may lead to adverse side effects.
Based on the graph shown above, Ostarine shows evident changes in lean body mass, and increases drastically when taken in 3mg doses a day.
Despite 1 – 3mg doses is recommended, the general consensus is that a typical cycle consists of 10 – 30mg of Ostarine a day for 6 – 12 weeks. If taken in these doses, it is highly recommended that pairing it with a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) like Rebirth PCT by Huge Nutrition will help your body handle and recover from the testosterone suppressive side effects and at the same time help maintain the positive effects.
The half-life of Ostarine is about 24 hours. This means that the effects will keep at stable levels for 24 hours before you need to take another dose. It does not matter what time of day it is taken, as long as it is every 24 hours.
Stacking multiple compounds could be beneficial but is also very risky and dangerous. It is crucial to understand that adding another compound also increases the chances of negative side-effects. This is why it is always recommended to start with a single compound, gradually increase the dosage of that same compound and then maybe add another compound. As mentioned under the Ostarine dosage information, it is always recommended to take a cycle support when taking compounds at high doses or in this case, stacking SARMs to protect your organs.
Since Ostarine is a relatively new compound that is still a topic of research, it is not recommended to stack it. If you do want to stack it, the usual compounds that are used are either GW-501516, S4-Andarine, or MK-677.
The general consensus based on experience has been that users of MK-2866 have not experienced any adverse side effects. However, research does show a possibility of side effects such as:
- Headache
- Back Pain
- High Blood Pressure
- Suppress testosterone
Though there have been little to no claims of short-term side effects, long-term side effects are still being studied. One of the most common side effects have been the suppression of natural testosterone. Due to this, you will need to take additional supplements like PCT to keep your testosterone levels up and balanced.
In addition, it is strongly recommended that you pick up a bottle or two of Rebirth, our to-go SARMs PCT. There have been no evidence that Ostarine negatively affects the liver or kidneys but it is always safer to be sure by running an on-cycle support. If you are looking for something to gain muscle we would recommend Sapogenix by Huge Nutrition.
Once again, we do not recommend using Ostarine before long-term side effects are fully researched and large-scale human trials have been conducted to ascertain its true uses and side effects.
In addition, it is strongly recommended that you pick up a bottle or two of Rebirth, our to-go SARMs PCT. There have been no evidence that Ostarine negatively affects the liver or kidneys but it is always safer to be sure by running an on-cycle support. If you are looking for something to gain muscle we would recommend Sapogenix by Huge Nutrition.
Once again, we do not recommend using Ostarine before long-term side effects are fully researched and large-scale human trials have been conducted to ascertain its true uses and side effects.
Is suppression one of the positive effects of ostarine?
There has been evidence that Ostarine does suppress your natural hormone levels, namely, testosterone. Although the suppression effects are not as high as other SARMs such as RAD-140 or LGD-4033, there is still suppression of testosterone.
Even when taken at low dosages of 100mg a day, there will be a definite decrease in natural testosterone production. Based on testimonies, the suppression effects increase with the increase in dosages.
In order to counter the suppression of testosterone, you will need to take a post-cycle therapy supplement such as Rebirth PCT. It has shown to be the best PCT supplement for SARMs that is available online. You will need to take Rebirth for 4 – 8 weeks, depending on how you feel. Going through a post-cycle therapy is compulsory when taking Ostarine, no matter what other sources tell you.
We are often asked where Ostarine can be bought. Due to the unknown safety aspects of SARMs, we advise against taking them.
As we have mentioned before, this compound is still under ongoing research to discover its long-term effects, positive or negative. It would require large-scale human trials before we can safely recommend its use.
However, for the time being, we can recommend an alternative product that we can safely say will help you build mass and strength, and is more potent. It’s called Sapogenix, which is a product developed and sold by Huge Nutrition. It is a potent mix of several plant steroidal saponins used to build lean muscle mass. Instead of buying something risky like Ostarine, go for Sapogenix. With Sapogenix, you can gain nearly 1lb per week on a cycle. If that is not good enough, unlike Ostarine, you do not have to pair it up with any PCT!
Ostarine is a mild SARM that is known for its muscle-building and performing-enhancing effects. Also known as MK-2866, it is so popular among bodybuilders because it has no known side effects other than testosterone suppression. The average dose taken is between 10 – 30 mg per day for 8 – 12 weeks. A post-cycle therapy must be done after taking the compound to manage the risk of losing all the muscle you gained. While any side effects have been observed to be minor, it is still highly unadvisable to be used. For a safer and legal supplement with equal effects, Sapogenix is a recommended alternative. It has proven to cause a significant increase of 7lb in body mass in just 8 weeks.